Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Second Job

Yep, I've done it. I went back to retail. It's not too bad, I work with animals. I'm not giving too many details of it's specific name or location for fear that the object of my much needed restraining order show her legally -obligated-to-stay-the-hell-away-from-me ass up. It's not too bad though. I get paid once a week, which is a hell of a lot easier than getting paid once a month. It's got me wanting to buy a guinea pig for my son.

I can't describe this awesome feeling of knowing that I'm pulling my life even further into the direction that I've always known I should be in. Pookie and I are talking about buying a house, but even if he and I don't do it together, I'm still planning to buy one on my own. My son needs more space and despite having a banging apartment in Midtown Atlanta, I want a big backyard. I need to feel some grass under my feet. Now I have to go forward and get started on my application for grad school. I also need to get my readership up on here. No offense to my homie Stef, but this single reader shit isn't gonna cut it.
